Class 269

Home Industries

Rules For Home Industries

All entries will be received subject to the following conditions:

1. Entries must be made on the prescribed forms, accompanied by the proper Entry Fees, otherwise the entry will not be accepted, and the exhibit will not be allowed to compete. All Entry Forms must be signed by the Exhibitor or the Exhibitor's Agent. The full details required must accompany all entries in Industrial Classes.

2. Entry Fees will not be refunded where entries are withdrawn after the close of entries, except where the Society cancels classes.

3. Each article exhibited must be the bona fide work of the person in whose name it is exhibited and must have been completed since last year's Show.

4. All exhibits in the flowers, fruit and vegetables classes with the exception of "Flower Exhibits" must be grown by the person in whose name it is exhibited. The Committee reserves the right to examine the garden premises from which the entry is made.

5. All vegetables, including slivers of roots must be clean but not scrubbed.

6. Work entered in a class other than the distinct class to which such work belongs will be disqualified. Entry may be transferred into proper class on application to the Secretary.

7. Any article bearing the name of the Competitor or any label or mark in addition to the official number (which will be supplied by the Secretary) will be disqualified.

8. Reasonable care will be taken of articles exhibited, but the Committee will not be accountable for any loss, damage, or injury that may occur to any exhibit before, during or after the show.

9. All persons entering the Exhibition are subject to the direction of the Stewards

10. No person will be permitted to interfere with or to crowd around the Judge during adjudication. Exhibitors so doing will forfeit all claim to prizes.

11.  The society is indebted to honorary judges who give up their time and expertise freely. The decision of the Judges as to the merits of exhibits shall in all cases be final. Objections to a Competitor on the grounds that he/she is not qualified to enter in a certain class will be considered if lodged in writing with the Secretary together with a fee of £10 at or before three o'clock on the day of the Show. This fee will be returned if a valid objection is sustained. Other-wise it will be forfeited to Funds of Show.

12. Should any matter arise not provided for in the purview of these Rules and Regulations, such matter shall be referred to the Board , of which 3 Members shall form a quorum, whose decision shall be final and binding, no appeal to law in any case being permitted.

13. Exhibits must be brought to the exhibition hall between 6.00 p.m. and 9.00pm on Thursday evening. Fresh cream exhibits and pets between 9.00 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Friday morning of Show week. No exhibits will be accepted after 11 a.m. on  Friday and no exhibits may be removed from the Show before 4 pm on Show Day.

14. Any act of disobedience to the orders of the Stewards or Officials of the Show by any Exhibitor or his servants will render liable to forfeiture any prizes awarded to said Exhibitor, and the offender will immediately be dismissed from the Show Grounds.

15. The Board reserves to itself the right to alter the programme in any way it deems necessary, and Exhibitors must be prepared to abide by any regulations laid down.

16. In group competitions for Cups or Special Prizes no exhibit may be exhibited unless previously entered in a class for which it is eligible.

17. All exhibitors and members of the public must leave the Exhibition Hall by 11am on Friday.

18. The Show will close at 4 pm on Saturday of Show Week, when all persons must leave the Exhibition Hall. Exhibitors and Assistants will then be re-admitted by exhibitor's letter to remove their Exhibits, which will be handed to them by the Stewards on production of exhibitor's letter signed by Exhibitor. No exhibits will be allowed off the stands until 4 pm. Perishable exhibits remaining after 5pm will be disposed of.

19. Any prize may, at the discretion of the judges, be withheld or modified, according to merit.

20. No prize will be given in any class unless there are at least two Exhibits. No second prize unless there are at least three, and no third unless there are at least five, except in cases where in the opinion of the Judges, the Exhibits are of a high order of merit.

21. Exhibits entered in Art section must not exceed 60cm x 45cm including frame

22. AGE OF EXHIBITORS - Age on Show Day (Saturday)


23. Floral displays must be arranged by the exhibitor ONLY. All other entries must be produced by the exhibitor under whose name it is entered. If an exhibit is suspected to have not been arranged or produced by the exhibitor under whose name it is entered, then the show reserves the right to disqualify the entry.

24. The show reserves the right to refuse any entries without explanation.

25. Data Protection: Your data will not be shared/sold to third parties, for office use only.  






The following information is for general guidance only.  Please refer to the     individual classes and the Rules for full details.


Vegetables - All vegetables, including roots must be clean but not scrubbed.


Fruit - Stalks of all fruit should be left intact.


Eggs – To be displayed on a white paper plate and / or doily.


Cookery – To be displayed on a white paper plate and doily and covered in a clear cellophane cover (e.g. clear food bag) – NOT CLINGFILM. Each exhibitor may only enter a maximum of 1 entry per class.


Jams, Jellies & Chutney -  Each exhibitor may only enter a maximum of 1 entry per class.


Photography –Display space is limited and entries not complying with size specifications will not be judged. Photographs must not be submitted in frames but should be on a single mount. Minimum size: 5”x7” Maximum size: 8”x10” INCLUDING 1” MOUNT.  Digital & traditional photographs are acceptable.  Photographs must not have been previously exhibited at this Show. Each exhibitor may only enter a maximum of 2 entries per class.


Art- Exhibits must not exceed 60cm x 45cm including frame and must not have been previously exhibited at this Show.  Each exhibitor may only enter a maximum of 2 entries per class.


Craft - Exhibits must not have been previously exhibited at this Show. Each exhibitor may only enter a maximum of 2 entries per class.


Points are calculated as follows in all HI sections unless otherwise stated;

· 1st: 6 points

· 2nd: 5 points

· 3rd: 4 points

· Reserve:  3 points

· Highly Commended: 2 points

· Commended: 1 point


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Vegetable Classes


have kindly donated the prize money in the Vegetable classes.

PRIZES: 1st £10; 2nd £6; 3rd £4.     Entry Fee: £2

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Class 269: One Vase of Mixed Herbs Entry Fee: £2.00 : Indoor Arena Entry is currently closed. : 00:00 Prizes: 1st - £10 cash, 2nd - £6 cash, 3rd - £4 cash, 4th - Reserve, 5th - Highly Commended, 6th - Commended